Rhubarb and orange fool

It’s a bit odd that my last recipe was also for something sweet as I don’t generally have a sweet tooth. I can happily walk past cakes, biscuits, chocolate without a second glance. (Although an open tube of Pringles is an empty tube of Pringles.) And I cook because I like to eat, but I…

Pineapple tarts

Every so often I think OH GOD I MUST HAVE THAT NOW, and it’s always Malaysian food like these pineapple tarts…


Yes, I know that authentic kedgeree is just rice, spice and lentils, and the fishy, eggy, buttery rice dinner that I’ve just eaten is a colonial travesty. Nevertheless.

Fabulous focaccia

If, like me, you sail perilously close to becoming a bread dough fetishist, focaccia is probably the bread that will give you the most squishing and poking opportunities.