Pussyhats galore

I didn’t go on last week’s Women’s March but I’m proud that two of my crochet pussyhats did. I hope there’ll be even more hats next time, so here’s my very easy crochet pattern.

Laziest bread ever

I thought I’d got the effort in breadmaking down to the bare minimum, then my friend Michele told me about this method which takes even less effort. It’s not quite fresh bread for breakfast, but it could be fresh bread for brunch.

The fried rice rules!

Fried rice was our to-go easy dinner when I was a kid – we probably ate it once a week at least. Without a doubt it is my top comfort food, as it probably is for most people with some SE Asian heritage. It’s also quick, delicious, and a fine repository for any old leftovers bunging up the fridge.

Celery soup with Stilton and walnut scones

This is a good standby lunch for me as I’ve usually got all the ingredients lurking around, but it’s also nice enough for visitors. In true Lazybones style, it’s pretty much throw-it-together using what you have.